The Americans have decided...

And they chose Trump...

Erm... Congratulations America?

I mean, isn't that what you say when you have a baby boy? A very large, orange, pompous, egomaniacal, politically wrong baby boy... 

2016 has been fun... Like a big joy ride... In a bad migraine inducing sort of way... 

First it was Brexit that made the world gasp... Made me question the capability of humanity, question the future, my future... And now it is the U.S. Election. Correct me if I'm wrong but I was always told that UK and U.S. are the world powers. And if they cannot make good decisions then what the hell are we all so secure about? Perhaps, I underestimate the possibility of ignorance flourishing even in such advanced countries... Or may be the world has indeed changed, evolved into something more selfish...

This election got me thinking," so what kind of people support trump?" Initially my reaction was always the same: "Oh! only the idiots would. The hippies and the illiterate rednecks". But the truth is beyond the rednecks... It is the misguided, the misinformed, the gullibles, who have been fed lies by the media... What Trump paid to be publicised... He is loud and speaks in simple terms, terms that most could understand and associate with. He worked his "charm" on these gullible minds. And if that didn't work, bought his way through the media. He was bound to win... After, chaos is the new world order so it seems. But at the same time, I wonder if none of his supporters ever got a reality check...

Heck, with the series of events that have unfolded since the summer of 2016, now I wonder, perhaps it is me who may need the reality check... Or else, why would the world be descending in to madness and I am one of the few in this asylum questioning...?!?

I weep for you America... You were great once... But not anymore... 
