Happy halloween everyone!

Am sure everyone's got their scary hats on! Hey my dearies, first of all wish you all a happy halloween. 

To be honest, halloweens make me... Happy! I get to see the creative side of all my friends who really "dress to impress" (in a spooky way of course) that just never cease to amuse me. Plus I love fancy dressing myself... Always have :)

Right, to be fully honest with you guys, I have not yet thought of ANY COSTUME at all!!! And I am really freakin out since halloween is TODAY! I do have a simple idea (obviously have to be since there is no more time left to go look for costumes and/or make one). Alas! my ideas that I have been dreaming on since summer could not see the light of the day... Every year since in UK I have loved and enjoyed carving pumpkins but this year even that couldn't happen... Oh the life of PhD... But fear not my dearies, there is always next time... If I am not turned in to a zombie by then lol...

Anyway, enough blabber from me, since I have been quite busy lately and could not (and I am sorry for that) dedicate ample time for a quality post, I do promise I have some good things in store for the coming month and the rest of the autumn before winter knocks in... With that, here are some of my pumpkin carvings from years gone by:

This one was from my very first halloween in UK

And here are some from last year...

