Chicken and Courgette Pasta in Mushroom Cream Sauce

*The following steps are to be followed carefully and precisely*

Go to the butcher, get some chicken. Orrrrr Go to the supermarket and get a pack of 400g of chicken breast (yeah, I’ll go with the 2nd one too).

Marinade two chicken breasts, diced, with lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Get two courgettes from the garden. Oh you live in the 4th floor of an apartment building with no terrace garden? K then, just get it from the market again.

Chop the courgettes and fry them batch by batch, so as to fry them all evenly and thoroughly, in a dash of olive oil. Burn the first batch, curse heavily (@$*&^%£+!), then start all over again, and set them aside.

Now fry the marinated chicken “carefully” and set aside. Meanwhile, boil the pasta in a pan till tender (huh! Do I even need to mention it, like duh!).

For the cream sauce, first of all you will need to have THE MOST important ingredient……… Cream. Fresh or double you decide. The rest comes later. Do you have the cream? No? Well then, what are you waiting for? Go to the shop NOW!!!

You have it now? Good. Now wrestle a pig for the mushrooms. Slice ‘em and toss them aside (wait, I meant mushroom not the pig!!!). Heat a saucepan and add the cream and let simmer. Now add grated cheddar cheese, some white wine and black pepper. What do you mean you don’t keep cheese and wine at home? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Go catch the neighbour now, GO!

So, once you bugged your neighbour to give you cheese and wine, almost burned the cream, and learnt a VALUABLE lesson of always keeping the good things at home, now add them to the cream. A pinch of salt could be used if you like. Stir all the while, the sauce ain’t gonna stir itself you know Simmer and then add the 'shrooms… Bring the sauce to boil. Then set aside and let it cool.

Layer everything in an oven dish and mix them all together ever so slightly. Top it up with more, yes you heard me right, MORE grated cheese over the entire dish and put in the oven for 15mins at 200 degree Celsius (392 degree Fahrenheit/473.15 Kelvin). Serve hot with chips and salad.

All done!!!

Note: look for the bold and underlined words for the ingredients. And where the quantity is not specified it is all up to your taste. I would take pasta enough for 2 people, cream 300ml, 4-5 medium mushrooms,1 cup cheese or more :), a splash of white wine and pinches of salt and black pepper. This should feed 2 people well enough!!

You see it would have taken much less time if only you had kept things ready and didn’t have to go to the market so many times. And do share it with your neighbour!

Now go on, enjoy the meal.... What are you still looking here for?!
